The Altai Mountains are one of the few places on Earth where the primordial nature has not been subjected to the onslaught of civilization. These are rugged mountains with white caps of eternal snows and crystal rivers flowing from them, virgin taiga with unusually diverse flora and fauna, blue lakes reflecting the blue of the sky, and unusually bright colors of alpine meadows.
Products: milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, ryazhenka, snowflake, cheeses
Of all the branches of the dairy industry, cheesemaking is the most demanding to the quality of milk. The best raw material for cheese production is milk from cows whose diet includes the herbs of mountain meadows and pastures with a rich botanical composition. There are not many such regions in Russia.
The most representative and positive example is the Altai Republic, where it is possible to produce dairy products of excellent quality.